July 2, 2023

HR and recruitment statistics: numbers, trends and insights. Part 4: employee onboarding, engagement, and retention statistics


Today, despite the vast number of opportunities for job seekers, there is also high competition among employers competing to hire the best specialists in the shortest possible time.


However, now, in the realities of modern business, it is not enough to recruit talent. So, well-established strategies to engage and retain newly hired employees are also needed. Employers also need to help ensure that this new employee successfully passes the onboarding stage and joins the team.


Thus, it is high time to look at what the latest HR and recruiting statistics tell about these issues.

Employee onboarding statistics

The process of onboarding a new employee is as important as the process of finding and recruiting them. What is more, the onboarding process is critical to keeping new hires motivated and productive. Accordingly, poor onboarding experience can reduce the efficiency of new arrivals and increase employee turnover in the enterprise.

Here is what the human resources statistics report concerning this process:


  • 40% of HR managers claimed they need automated and AI-driven programs to retrain new hires during onboarding.
  • 47% of HR managers reported that onboarding programs at their companies begin at the moment when the candidate accepts the job offer.
  • Only 28% of HR managers said that the current onboarding programs for new employees in their companies are perfect and fully satisfy them.
  • 12% of currently employed workers say their companies provide perfect onboarding programs for new hires.
  • One in ten currently employed workers is completely satisfied with the onboarding programs at their companies.
  • 38% of new employees have difficulty adapting when hiring in a remote environment.
  • 69% of candidates will likely stay with the company for the next three years if they experience excellent onboarding.

Employee engagement statistics

Involving new employees in their work and company is one of the most challenging tasks faced by HR professionals. This process is closely related to the onboarding process but is already the next stage of the employee’s stay at their new workplace. Thus, by the recruitment statistics:


  • 53% of HR specialists consider that employee engagement will improve if the quality of onboarding programs becomes better.
  • 36% of current employees are highly involved in their work and workplace.
  • 45% of employees feel emotionally drained and experience professional burnout.
  • over 70% of workers switched to remote work due to the pandemic complain that they now have to work on weekends.
  • 45% of remote employees complain that they now regularly work more hours on weekdays.
  • 71% of employees report negative performance at their workplace.
  • 51% of current employees feel left out.
  • 58% of employees claim they struggle with the workplace's status quo.

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Employee retention statistics

One of the significant challenges for HR department managers is the necessity to ensure successful onboarding and employee engagement and prevent new arrivals from leaving the workplace quickly. The reasons for the employee’s decision to leave the current position can be different, like lack of career growth, lack of work involvement, wrong work-life balance, or insufficient salary.

This is what the statistics say:


  • 35% of employees leave because of a lack of career prospects.
  • 32% of workers leave their positions because of a lack of work-life balance.
  • 54% of prospective employees leave due to a lack of bonuses, salary growth, compensation, and benefits.
  • 57% of employees left because of their managers’ behavior, disrespect, inattention, and lack of appreciation at work.
  • 47% of ordinary employees leave due to the change in their management team.
  • 50% of employees leave their job because of professional burnout.
  • 63% of quitted employees cited low salary as the reason they left.


As seen from the above statistics, improved onboarding programs, reasonable and timely motivation, career growth opportunities, flexible bonuses and incentives, and attentive and humane attitudes toward ordinary employees can significantly help companies effectively adapt, motivate and retain promising employees.

More HR and recruiting statistics:

  1. Job search and recruitment process statistics, bad interview experience statistics, and recruitment challenges statistics.
  2. Recruitment software statistics, digital and social media statistics.
  3. Employee satisfaction at work, company and workplace culture statistics.