July 1, 2023

HR and recruitment statistics in 2023: employee satisfaction at work, company and workplace culture statistics


Even ten-twenty years ago, the recruitment statistics showed that most office workers wanted to leave the workplace as soon as possible and rush home, to family, or somewhere to meet friends.


Today, in the era of team building and competing for talents, everything is different, even in the context of the pandemic. With this sharp change in the work format, following the recruiting agencies’ experience, modern companies’ employees tend to spend more time socializing with colleagues.


The concerns of companies’ management have also changed. Under human resources statistics, hiring talents and finding ways to keep them in the workplace is essential.


Let us look at what the statistics show.

Job satisfaction

The percentage equivalent to job satisfaction varies depending on the field of activity. To a large extent, this depends on the degree of work significance in the eyes of its doers.


  • 70,5% of IT specialists worldwide admitted that their job brought them joy in 2019, based on Devire and Stack Overflow’s data, compared to 79% in the next three years.
  • 34% of legal services professionals were satisfied with their jobs because they thought they were good at it in 2020, based on Martindale, which has increased to 36% by the end of 2021.
  • For example, 54,4% of medical workers in Europe, the UK, the USA, and Mexico were satisfied with their job in 2019 compared to 63% in the following three years, in accordance with IFOP and Medscape.
  • 47% of workers in Europe doing physical work were satisfied with their job in 2020 compared to 42% in 2019, by Kelly Services.


On the whole, speaking about the world’s regional job satisfaction, Europe’s job satisfaction rating in obedience to a global index mentioned by Effectory International was 7.1 in 2021. In India, it equaled 7.9 in the same year. In North America – 7.7. In South America – 7.6. In Africa – 7.3. In the Pacific Region – 7.2. And in East and Southeast Asia, the index fell to 6.9, including Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, South Korea, and Singapore.

Workplace culture statistics

Under the last three years' HR statistics:

  • 29% of men and 36% of women admit that flexible work conditions are essential when choosing a job. 
  • Work-life balance is the top priority for 63% of job seekers when searching for a new job.
  • 38% of remote employees report feeling exhausted after daily online meetings, and 30% feel stressed.
  • 85% of employees become more engaged in the workplace with effective internal communications.
  • 37% of employees feel most encouraged by personal recognition.
  • 33% of employees leave their jobs because they feel bored in the workplace and want to find something more exciting and diverse.

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Company culture statistics

Again, based on the last years' recruitment statistics:

  • 77% of job applicants evaluate a company’s culture before applying for a job.
  • 84% of recruiters state that culture fit is now becoming one of the key factors when recruiting.
  • 21% of potential workers say that better company culture is one of the top reasons for changing jobs.
  • 63% of job candidates consider a diverse workforce very important when choosing a company.
  • 58% of job seekers say they would not apply to companies with a pay gap.
  • Over 55% of the candidates refuse to apply to the companies if they have read a bad review.
  • 16% of companies use technology to monitor their employees’ progress and engagement.
  • 47% of job applicants will leave their current jobs because of bad company culture.


The tendencies in the HR and recruiting statistics are pretty clear. Despite the recent pandemic and economic and political cataclysms, the overall job satisfaction in different world regions and spheres of business has increased. People are becoming more satisfied with the results of their work and their clients’ gratitude.

The company’s and workplace culture are becoming more and more significant factors when potential employees consider a company to apply for a job.

More and more job seekers are interested in job diversity and challenges.