July 1, 2023

How to build a new employee onboarding process


Many are familiar with the situation when a business grows and expands, and there is a catastrophic shortage of certain specialists. But you turn to other specialists for help. A professional recruiting agency finds suitable candidates as quickly as possible. They are ideally suited to the requirements of vacancies. And it seems you can breathe a sigh of relief: the task is completed, and all the most difficult things are behind you. But this is not so.


The valuable employee found with such difficulty, who agreed to work for your company, at the last minute leaves for your competitor for better conditions or a more promising position.


Is there a way to prevent this situation? Can a proper, well-thought-out, and structured employee onboarding process avert this and keep the right employee in the company? We will try to figure it out.

What is onboarding?

Onboarding process starts the moment you make an offer to the candidate and continues until the moment when the new employee joins the team and begins to work at full capacity in their position.


All the processes the new employee goes through in this period, like the introduction of the newly hired employee to the circle of their work duties and role in the company, setting up their workplace, familiarization with work processes, getting to know team members, fall under the definition of onboarding.


In short, new employee onboarding is integrating a new employee into the work environment and familiarizing them with the company’s policy and culture, intended to help the new worker achieve maximum efficiency in their work as soon as possible. The duration of this process varies depending on the enterprise: from several weeks to several months or even more.

The stages of the effective onboarding process

In contrast, the effective, well-built, and prepared onboarding process can help retain the new worker, significantly reduce employee turnover and make onboarding experience less stressful.


Such a procedure of a new employee’s work adaptation may consist of the following steps of the onboarding process:

  • The correct offer.

When sending a formal job offer letter, enclose a clear job description and complete, detailed information about the job profile, salary, company’s policy, and culture.


  • Official call.

After sending the job offer letter, hold a phone or online call with the potential employee to discuss the pre-agreed company’s policies, job responsibilities, etc. This step will help to demonstrate the seriousness of your intentions toward the candidate and your benevolent attitude to them.


  • Time to think about the offer and accept it.

Do not push for the immediate acceptance of the offer. Settle with the candidate the time frame for making a decision. Discuss with the employee all the nuances.


  • Help in solving the organizational nuances.

If necessary, assist the employee in moving, settling down in a new location, etc. Show attention, sympathy, and care. Try to make onboarding for new employees more comfortable and less tiring.


  • The first day at work.

Do your best to make the newcomer feel comfortable and in a friendly environment. Introduce them to the team, schedule the time for paperwork, discuss the upcoming tasks in detail, set up the email, accounts, and work equipment, and resolve the issues with parking, work phone, computer, laptop, etc. And do not overload the new employee from the very beginning.


  • Coordination with other team members and departments.

Help the new worker set up communication channels with their new colleagues and company’s departments. Make everyone aware of the new employee's role and duties in the company.


  • Preliminary training and orientation.

Introduce the new employee to the company's work processes, policy and culture, goals, and specialties. Set aside enough time for this. If necessary, assign a mentor consultant to the new employee for the onboarding period.


  • Team building event.

Plan a joint lunch or any other informal event to introduce the new employee to the team as soon as possible.


  • Engagement.

Do not leave the new employee alone with the problems of the new workplace. Keep closely interacting with them during the adaptation period.

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What consequences may have a poorly built onboarding process?

A poorly built onboarding process may have a range of harmful consequences:

  • set up the new employee for the failure;
  • impede workplace efficiency;
  • change the newly recruited employee’s opinion of your company in a negative direction;
  • bring to the high employee turnover.

The importance of the successful onboarding process


A well-designed onboarding process will have several positive effects:

  • staff turnover reduction;
  • employer branding improvement;
  • increasing employee satisfaction;
  • work productivity increasing.


The proper onboarding process makes it more likely that the valuable new employee will successfully pass the probationary period and remain with the company for a long time, bringing the company many benefits.


So, if you have not thought about the importance of onboarding, it is never too late to change your mind.