Subscription recruitment

We provide embedded recruitment services on a monthly basis, filling vacancies at the client’s request
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Trusted by top brands

Trusted by top brands

Cost reduction

40-45% more inexpensive than applying the pay-per-hire model, and up to 90% cheaper than organizing in-house recruitment


We close positions on demand and in the required quantity, supply customized recruiting solution and increase hiring flexibly

Recruiting team

We provide fully-dedicated recruitment teams (a sourcer and a recruiter) working 24/7 exclusively on your project

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Fixed fee

We use all advantages of the fixed fee recruiting model with monthly payments specified in the contact

Dedicated team

The quantity of our experienced recruitment teams of sourcers and recruiters depends on the client’s demand
icon Speed


We provide a 3-month candidate replacement guarantee. Also we provide live access to CRM during the recruiting process
icon Partnership


We start recruiting immediately after signing the contract, and close one vacancy, on average, in 3 weeks
icon Cost reduction

Huge Talent Pool

There are 130 000 + candidates in our database: technical talents, non-technical specialists and C-level executives


We offer close and open collaboration on a long-term basis, improved recruitment, and attraction and retention processes’ upgrading

We help our clients to overcome the following challenges


Companies begin to struggle difficulties when it comes to hiring new employees


Companies lose, on average, on every bad hire. Plus, bad hires result in a 36% drop in productivity


Of Employers have positions that stay open for 12 weeks or longer


Of Employers currently have open positions for which they cannot find qualified candidates independently

Guide in efficient recruitment

Tips on how to organize effective recruitment processes and attract talents your company need

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Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

What is recruitment subscription?
This is a subscription-based model that potentiates planned recruitment services.
What are the features of the payment method for subscription-based recruiting?
This method implies fixed monthly payments throughout the entire subscription period, within which the agency’s recruitment team is completely at the client’s disposal. Plus, this team recruits as many candidates for the client as needed.
Are embedded recruiting and subscription recruitment the same models?
Yes, they are.
What is RSS? What is recruitment subscription service?
RSS and recruitment subscription service are alternative terms for recruitment subscription.
How do I get started with your recruitment services?
Contact us by the contact form below or book a call to discuss your needs directly.

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We are always ready to conduct a personal consultation and discuss how we can be useful for your business success.
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