July 1, 2023

How to make a job offer correctly


Candidates have long chosen job offers based on more than only salary. In addition to the financial aspect, many other essential factors are of interest, such as corporate culture, work schedule, team, employment opportunities, and availability of benefits.

In addition, they also pay attention to the quality of communication with the recruiting team and the recruiting process on the whole, namely, the speed of response, literacy, originality of letters, tone of communication, etc.

In particular, according to the LinkedIn research, 80-90% of job seekers say that a positive or negative experience of an interview and a job offer may change their opinion of the company and push them either to accept the career offer or to turn it down.

What is a job offer

A job offer is an employer’s offer of employment to the potential employee which specifies all the essential terms of the work contract, which, if the candidate agrees, will be signed in the future.

Usually, a job offer is made in writing, but it may also be made orally at the employer's discretion. And, before it is concluded, the employer may even withdraw the offer. Formally, there is no difference between these two options since only the employment contract acquires legal force.

Why you need to send a job offer

There are at least two main reasons:

1. To show the seriousness of your intentions.

The offer shows the candidate that the company is serious about their cooperation and has stopped on their candidacy.

For the employer, the offer means that the candidate has accepted the work conditions and finds them satisfied.

2. To eliminate misunderstandings and disagreements.

The detailed aspects of the position are written down on paper and agreed with the specialist. This step will eliminate the additional risk of disagreements and dissatisfaction.

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Making a job offer tips

As the business proposition is already the final stage of the recruiting process, to pass this stage correctly and not spoil all the previously done work, remember to follow these tips based on the positive experience of our company:

Tip 1: Check if all the critical points are included in the offer:

  • the name of the company and the position;
  • salary;
  • bonuses;
  • work schedule;
  • work responsibilities;
  • social and medical packages;
  • length of probation;
  • possibility and terms of taking sick leave;
  • vacation;
  • job opportunities;
  • direct supervisor;
  • start date;
  • response deadline;
  • corporate rules;
  • additional demands;
  • juridical information (taxes, privileges, etc.).


Tip 2: Think carefully of the highest allowable salary you can afford, bonuses, career opportunities, and prospects you can offer.

Your offer must be maximum attractive for the candidate, and salary and bonuses are usually the most attractive points.


Tip 3: Don’t make the person wait for long.

Remember that searching for a specialist is both a long and laborious process and a highly competitive one. If you make the candidate wait too long, they may accept your competitor’s proposition.


Tip 4: Be honest about the work conditions.

Do not embellish anything, but only tell about what the applicant will face in the workplace.


Tip 5: Personalize the offer if possible.

Indicate the factors that may be decisive for this applicant. To do this, study carefully the information obtained from the applicant’s CV and the interview results.


A job offer is one of the crucial stages of the recruiting process. Perhaps, it is the most important one because the final result of the long and painstaking process of hiring the specialist that precedes it will depend on how well the job offer is made.

Therefore, in this case, you should not improvise. Take it responsibly and don’t forget our advice from the above. The experience and impressive results achieved by OnHires testify that these tips work. So, make them work for you, too.