The tips for effective finding employees

1. Make a list of the required qualities of the candidate.
Define exactly who you are looking for. To find the ideal employee to build a team of your employer’s dream, you should first understand what qualities they must possess. These qualities you will pay attention to in the resume. And these qualities you will check for availability at the following stages of hiring employees. There is no universal list of qualities, so focus on the needs of the company and the list of daily work tasks.
2. Write a detailed and precise job description.
A detailed and understandable description of the vacancy will help the candidate self-diagnose and decide whether they will cope with the position. The more clearly you describe what exactly is required from the specialist, the higher the likelihood that your ad will respond to the expert you need.
Plus, do not hesitate to adjust the vacancy during the hiring process. From the first time, the vacancy may not turn out perfect. You can show it to other HR specialists, get feedback and correct it.
3. Indicate the wages.
If you do not specify the salary, you risk losing some of the candidates. Put yourself in the candidate’s place: would you waste time if you do not even know what you can count on? You would rather look for something more specific.
Besides the exact amount, the salary may be specified in three ways: you can prescribe a salary fork or determine the minimum or maximum rate.
4. Describe your company’s advantages over competitors.
Candidates also choose where to go to work. Therefore, you should present your vacancy so that you will be chosen from many others. You do not think you are the only one who decides, do you?
5. Build your recruitment funnel.
The Hiring Funnel is a recruiting tool that will allow you to attract, evaluate and hire the best available applicants. Using the funnel, you can also weed out unsuitable candidates.
To do this, you should prescribe criteria for each of its stages. This way, you will optimize the recruitment process as much as possible and start selecting the right candidates faster.
The funnel usually consists of the following stages:
- a resume selection;
- a test task;
- interviewing;
- a probation period.
Be sure to think in advance about where you will work with the list of applicants. You can use the HRM system or just a Google Spreadsheet. This will help you track the conversion for each funnel step and adjust it if necessary.
6. Think over carefully and draft your interview questions.
Do not neglect the opportunity to prepare such questions that will help you conduct the interview at the highest level. Your right questions will help you form an objective opinion about the candidate’s professional and personal qualities as fully as possible.
Avoid taking the path of the least resistance and asking banal, uninformative questions like “Why do you want to work with us?” or “Do you think you will stay long with us?” You should also carefully consider your questions so they do not turn out to be discourteous and impolite.
Your task during the interview is to be polite, attentive, friendly, and as competent as possible to correctly assess the candidate and maintain the good image of your company.
7. Define the criteria for good answers.
There are no specifics here. It would be best to decide what is essential for you to hear. These could be skills in a particular program or information about how the candidate handles conflicts at work. Again, the list of qualities you set at the beginning of the recruiting process will come in handy.
8. Switch to other questions.
If you see that the interviewee is well versed in the topic, do not waste time. Switch to other questions to get the complete picture of the candidate for yourself.
9. Think carefully about the test task.
The test task is needed to check several key requirements from the vacancy. With its help, you will immediately eliminate the majority of unsuitable applicants. The test task should be as similar to the standard work task as possible. Since the candidate is not yet aware of all the nuances of working at your company, the task should be drawn up as detailed as possible.
10. Work closely with the sourcer.
The first stages of the search for candidates are crucial. It is the sourcer that is screening candidates at these stages and pre-evaluates them. And already at this stage, the sourcer may select candidates who appear to be those outstanding talents the company needs. Besides, at any stage of recruiting, the sourcer can provide valuable advice from aside.
11. Prepare carefully for the proposal stage.
It is imperative to make the offer correctly. You should not alienate the already selected candidate with an excessive number of job responsibilities and the strictest requirements for the company’s employees, but, on the contrary, interest the candidate even more and strengthen them in the opinion that your company is the ideal place for them to work.