
Substream Software Engineer (Node JS + Python)

Team Lead

About company

B2Broker is a liquidity and technology provider of solutions for the crypto and foreign exchange (FX) industry. The company specializes in the sphere of B2B services and products, catering to a wide range of clients including large licensed brokers, crypto exchanges, crypto brokers, forex brokers, hedge and crypto funds, and professional managers. B2Broker’s advanced base of ready-to-use technical solutions enables brokers to save time and money on consuming infrastructure projects and focus on enlarging their client base and increasing their revenues.


  • At least 5 years of experience with Python, including:
    • Experience in OOP style using decorators, generators and context managers;
    • Deep knowledge of asynchronous programming (asyncio, aiohttp, etc.);
  • Knowledge and experience with SQLAlchemy, including:
    • Object-relational mapping modeling (ORM) and declarative definition of models;
    • Knowledge and experience with transactions, sessions and database migrations;
    • Query and performance optimization, including understanding N+1 problems;
    • Integration of SQLAlchemy with asynchronous frameworks and libraries;
  • Experience with PostgreSQL including:
    • Experience in the design and normalization of database schemas;
    • Experience in writing complex SQL queries, including joins, subqueries, and aggregates;
    • Understanding indexes, query optimization and performance management;
    • Basic understanding of PostgreSQL configuration and administration.
  • Understanding the principles of working with the blockchain, in particular with UTXO and Account Models;
  • Strong skills in software architecture and API design;
  • Experience in organizing Zero-downtime Deploy process to minimize system downtime during upgrades;
  • Experience with RabbitMQ, including setting up a message broker, creating queues, and handling messages in Python;
  • Experience with Redis, including use as a cache, session storage, and task queue implementation.
  • **Preferably: **Experience with Node.js and Solidity will be considered an advantage; Understanding the principles of blockchain technology and decentralized applications. Experience with Docker and Kubernetes Experience with AWS; Python certifications.


  • Leading a team of Python developers, conducting interviews;
  • Experience in managing a team of 5 people or managing large projects;
  • Make technical decisions and develop the architecture of the project;
  • Implementation of best development practices and application of new technologies;;
  • Development and support of integration with blockchain and other technologies;
  • Code quality control, conducting code reviews;
  • Applying managerial skills to effectively manage a team, including:
    • Distribution of tasks and resource management;
    • Team members motivation and development;
    • Conflict management and building effective communication within the team;
    • Reporting on task progress.

Perks & Benefits

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