
Blockchain Protocol Engineers

We are looking for Blockchain Protocol Engineers who are excited about building core blockchain technologies to join SourceHub, our protocol, team. This is a challenging role that will involve working closely with our CTO and co-founders, you will be part of a collaborative culture striving to make user-centric data interoperable across Web3. SourceHub is a Cosmos/Tendermint-based application-specific blockchain that works with the rest of our ecosystem of tools to deliver user-centric data ownership, interoperability, and privacy.

As a Blockchain Protocol Engineer, you will be responsible for the optimization of blockchain data structures, writing cryptographic algorithms and protocol specifications, and designing peer-to-peer communication. You will also design, develop and implement blockchain protocol packages, craft and maintain interfaces for the Database team, and use formal methods to test the correctness of our blockchain protocol. Further, you will work on building Inter-Blockchain Communication between SourceHub and partner blockchain projects including Cosmos, Polkadot, Ethereum, and Cardano.


About company

This is the company of Webflow professionals with warm hearts. They acknowledge that businesses are made by people, for people. So, they make it our mission to build solid, warm relationships with clients, partners, and colleagues. They believe in keeping it real and being there for one another.


  • Strong leadership skills with a focus on engineering excellence.
  • Experience with Tendermint and Cosmos-SDK.
  • Experience with peer-to-peer network topologies or applications.
  • Knowledge of fault-tolerant consensus protocols like PBFT or Raft.
  • First-hand experience in designing and writing quality code in Golang.
  • Ability to write production-quality code.
  • Proven track record of delivering applications on time and on budget.
  • Experience working with distributed teams.
  • Experience designing and building performant and scalable network protocols.
  • 5+ years of relevant experience.


  • Contribute to the growth of the open-source developer ecosystem. You bring your expertise and commitment to excellence to help build our public network, SourceHub.
  • Driving implementation details and delivering specifications with buy-in from different stakeholders.
  • Participating in technical specifications design, development, and implementation.
  • Helping shape the direction of systems architecture by defining high-level architecture, principles, and standards.
  • Working closely with stakeholders (business, compliance, operations, and technology partners at all levels) to document requirements, and identify, mitigate, and address risks in the protocol specifications and implementation.
  • Performing and assisting engineers through code reviews, acceptance testing, bug fixing, and general support.
  • Building the trust layer of the Source Ecosystem.

Perks & Benefits

In the first month, you will join your engineering team and start to learn about our production systems, software development workflow, and the architecture of SourceHub and complementary technologies. We believe that it's essential for you to take this first month to become familiar with our technology, company, and our culture.

As our team grows you will have the opportunity to not only shape the direction of development for SourceHub but work alongside the founders to shape the future of the project and Source Ecosystem as a whole. We want our users to have a phenomenal experience using our product and you play a crucial role in making SourceHub a joy to use. We also offer technical training and experienced mentorship to help you learn and grow into whatever you wish it to be.

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